We all have those clothes buried in the back of our closets just sitting there, dying for us to rediscover them and give them life again. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. That sweatshirt you bought in 7th grade is probably going to be living untouched until you move or your mom makes you clean out your closet. This year, you'll have the opportunity to make good of those old clothes!
Bring them to University of Northern Iowa's Biannual Clothing Exchange!
Wednesday, November 28th and Thursday, November 29th
9 AM - 3 PM in the Maucker Union Ballroom
For every item you donate, you receive an item in return!
Bring you clothes, shoes, and accessories to the Student Involvement Center in Maucker Union, or bring them the day of the event!
Leftover items are donated to charity.
Check out the offical Facebook page for more information.