Today started out pretty early for few of us. We were on our way to Olympic Park at 7:45am. At Olympic Park we saw the Olympic pool where Michael Phelps won his 8 gold medals. As we walked around our inner child came out. We climbed and played around on a few play grounds. We then went to the Olympic rings. At the rings we took many pictures, and eventually got in trouble for climbing on them....oops. There was a lot of different things we saw at the park that we could relate to class. We saw the bridge Jill and I talked about in our presentation in our pre classes, a bike to charge your phone or put energy back into the park, and even toilets that reused water.
Our next stop for the day was London Tower! The tower has been many things over the years. From a castle to a mint to even a prison! Here we saw the Crown Jewels. The biggest diamond was over 500ct, and had the highest clairty. In the chapel on the grounds 3 queens and 2 saints were buried. One of the queens was beheaded by the best French swordsman. On the grounds 9 private beheadings took place. We then went to the oldest building on the tour. This was the White Tower. It had 5 levels of museum which were pretty interesting.

I then went to Westminister Abbey for church service. Inside was a lot different than expected, and the songs were very boring and long. Overall it was neat experience though. After the church service I went to try to see Mark Wahlberg at a red carpet premier of Entourage, but unfortunately it didnt happen because I was too short and there were too many people.
It was a very busy day and was pretty chilly outside. Some things didn't go to plan, but who can complain when you are in Europe!
Courtney Wallace
Supply Chain Management